Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Construction weakens, despite lift in house building: Australian PCI
The article draws a distinction between commercial construction which has declined, and the residential construction market which has shown growth and an increased level of demand.
The article demonstrates the immediate impact of consumer and commercial demand for construction on the industry and further shows how responsive the industry is to the market and the actions or demands of outsiders generally.
New Building Permits Drop To Slowest Pace In A Decade
The condition of the market is putting increased pressure on builders in the US, who are increasing their attempt to make sales and limit cancellations. The article further discusses which type of residential buildings are declining more than others.
While this article relates to the US residential industry, which is obviously significantly more developed than that of Australia, it is interesting to understand the world wide conditions, and to consider what impact this will have on supplier and provider contracts in Australia now that we live in a global environment.
Construction weakens, despite lift in house building: Australian PCI
This article reports weak growth in the Australian commercial and apartment building activity in April 2007, which has outweighed the slight improvement in the house building sector. The article further indicates that new orders have decreased and builders have resorted to discounting of house prices to boost sales. The article indicates that the weak month has already resulted in a decline in employment and reduction in supplier deliveries, and that the trend may extend to future months as a result of the reduced orders.
The article draws a distinction between commercial construction which has declined, and the residential construction market which has shown growth and an increased level of demand.
The article demonstrates the immediate impact of consumer and commercial demand for construction on the industry and further shows how responsive the industry is to the market and the actions or demands of outsiders generally.
Government counting on green homes to cut emissions
It has also been noted in the article that the budget does not provide for solar water heaters which would help to reduce the largest energy consumption in households. The article further indicates that if the ALP is successful in the next election, it will offer low interest loans of $10,000 to implement power and water saving measures such as solar panels, rainwater tanks, roof insulation, solar hot water heaters, awnings and grey water recycling systems.
While the article does not comment directly on the construction industry, the budget measures will have a significant impact on residential builders and developers who are likely to experience a higher demand for water and energy saving devices in new homes. They should also be aware of the grants as a ‘value add’ that they can recommend to their clients, as they would significantly reduce the cost of building a sustainable home. It further illustrates how the state of the construction industry is often shaped by outside forces, in particular political decisions and policies.
Labor won't tolerate anarchy on construction sites
These assurances do not go far in appeasing builders and construction companies, who have begun to build in “risk of rudd” premiums to their large contracts that are due to start in 2008. This highlights their fear that construction costs will be increased under an ALP federal government where this proposal is implemented.
This article illustrates clearly just how volatile the construction industry is at times and how it is ultimately responsive to outside environmental factors such as political policies of the Government of the day.
Impressive Water Conservation at Boral Roof Tile Plant
Boral has made water conservation one of its five key sustainability priority areas. While the article doesn’t talk specifically about construction, Boral has set an industry wide example in terms of sustainability as the largest supplier for the industry which will have potential flow on effects, increasing the ever mounding pressure for Construction companies and developers to explore environmentally friendly and energy saving alternatives in its developments. The stage 4 and 5 water restrictions currently in place in South East Queensland could quite feasibly be extended to other areas of Australia, forcing builders and other industries to consider their water usage and take active steps to conserve water.
Green hero takes shape
The article also talks about population and other growth in the Springfield area generally and the infrastructure that is being put in place to deal with the growth. Finally, the article goes on to discuss the overseas research that Mirvac undertook to draw inspiration for the project, and the impact that it will have on future Australian benchmarks for ecologically sustainable developments.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Whitegoods Warehouse
Sub-grade, packing sand, void barrier, formwork and reinforcement are put in place before the slab is poured.
The movement joint shown around this column was made with the use of 12mm fibreboard which is formed into this shape. The concrete slab is poured around it and in between the form-work and column. This separation allows for movement between the column area and slab so that cracking is minimized or eliminated.
Roof bracing can also be seen which go through the beam and have adjustmemts which increase or decrease the tension of the bracing. The diagonal bracing is 20mm diameter rod.
The rafter/beam is fixed to the column using bolts. Stiffening plates are fabricated onto the column by welding.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Flatman's Timber Yard
The slab of this warehouse is poured around the universal column. A movement joint is made with 'abelflex' a type of foam material which separates the column from the slab concrete. This allows for movement so that cracking in the slab doesn't occur.
The construction joint shown to the right of the column is made by pouring the slab in sections.
After each section is poured, movement joint material (e.g. fibreboard, cork, mastic, plastic or rubber) is placed in position. The next section of the slab is then poured .The purlin is connected to the rafter with the use of a cleat which can either be welded on to the rafter during fabrication or bolted to it on site. The purlin is bolted to the cleat. Safety mesh and sarking is located between the steel roof sheeting and purlins.
20mm diameter rods are used to brace the roofing structure to help keep the structure stable when lateral forces are applied.
Steel sheeting is fixed to girts with use of self tapping screws which are drilled through straight the sheet and then the girts. The screws usually have a rubber washer which helps reduce water from entering where the hole has been made.
20mm diaganol bracing is used on the walls to reduce the effect of lateral forces. These rods are fixed on the haunching at the highest point and the column at the lowest point. Both sides have adjustements so the rods can be tensioned appropriately. Fly bracing is bolted to the rafter/beam which reduces movement in the purlins. It gives more stability to the purlins and prevents them from over turning.
Typical column, beam, haunching arrangement (knee joint). Gurts are fixed to the column with brackets and in turn the steel sheeting which is used as cladding is fixed to the girts.
Typical apex. Beams are bolted together. No haunching is used. Purlins are located close to both sides of the apex. These are connected to the beam with the use of cleats which are welded to the beam. The purlins are bolted to the cleat.
Qanstruct Constructions Warehouse Project
The column in this photo has a base plate which has been welded to it using a fillet weld by a fabrication company. The base plate has four holes which have been drilled through it. Chemset bolts are used to fix the column to the pad footing. Above the pad is packing sand, a void barrier (polathene), formwork followed by reinforcement. Once these are put in place the slab is poured.
The slab is poured in sections. At the front of the column a line (construction joint) can be seen which is created due to the slab being poured in sections. The first section of the slab is poured. Before the second section is poured a type of material to create a joint is installed (e.g. fibreboard, corking etc.). The second section of the slab is then poured.
This column is located in the centre of the warehouse. Formwork has been installed in a circulation shape around the column. The slab around this column has been poured in four sections as indicated by the lines veering off in four differnt directions. Generally, columns are located on grid lines which are shown on working drawings.
During fabrication, cleats with holes which have been punched or drilled out are welded to the columns. These are used as a means of fixing girts to columns. Attached to these girts are the steel sheets used as cladding which are fixed to the girts using screws with rubber washers.
Cross bracing for the walls is used. One end of the rod is fixed to the beam and the other to the base of the column as above. A thread exists on the rod which goes though the adjustment plate. A bolts is used to tension and loosen the rods. The building can be plumbed and leveled with the use of this bracing system.
The slab in this photo has been prepared and ready to pour. The void barrier (polathene) has been laid out and formwork has been put in place and fixed with wooden pegs. The concrete will be poured to the level of the formwork in the slab (not the level of the formwork around the columns). Generally 4 to 5 days will be required before the concrete is at a structurally acceptable MPa rating.
Fly bracing is located at regular intervals. This reduces over turning of the purlins. These are bolted to the purlins and bolted to a bracket which is welded to the beam/rafter.
This photo also shows fire services which have been installed prior to the installation of the slab. Having the structure installed before the slab eliminates the possibility of inclement weather affecting the pouring of the slab. The slab could have been poured before the structure was complete but problems in relation to weather such as too much or too little heat, rain, humidy can affect the ability to pour the slab.
The structure has been completed and part of the slab poured. Formwork has been positioned for construction joints in the slab and isolation joints around the columns. Concreters have begun to roll out the void barrier. When complete the slab wil be ready to pour.
A mechnical screeding machine is used to level and compact the concrete. During the concrete pouring process the concrete is placed by concreters, the mechanical vibrator eliminates air entrapped in the concrete and then a screeding machine is used. The machine has a hydraulic arm which advances and retracts so it can level and compact.
With the use of concrete truck the concrete is transported from the concrete plant to site and poured as required. Concreters work the concrete with shovels.
The mechanical vibrator in this photo is used to vibrate the concrete from the inside. It is placed into the concrete quickly and removed slowly. It helps remove air from inside the pour which gives the concrete a higher compressive strength.
After the mechanical screed process is finished bull floating is done to flatten the surface and elimante surface cracks.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Spencer Street DFO
The structure of this frame is made from steel beams and columns. The roof structure consists of safety mesh, insulation, purlins, bracing rods, connection brackets such as cleats. However, this design is different to the basic portal frame as their are columns located throughout the building which have secondary supports which are on an approximate 45 degree angle. These struts/braces are connected to the beam with a steel pin. This connection looks as if there may be movement at this location as it is not bolted or welded. This type of connection is a very neat detail and looks impressive.
Purlins are attached to the rafters/beams with the use of cleats which are joined by welding. The purlins are attached to the purlins by bolting.
Glen Waverley Medical Consulting Suite
AXA / Grocon Site
The top floor where the plant room is located is still under construction. The services on the roof are to be housed in a portal frame type structure. Concrete slabs where being installed as well as the structural elements for the frame.
Concrete is being poured to form a slab. In this photo the void barrier can be seen as well as the reinforment which is sitting on reinforment chairs. The concrete is currently beng placed and will be poured to the level of the surrounding formwork. The process of installing the slab is in this order.
This slab itself is actually a floating slab and has metal casting mounts with rubber inside (the red mounts in photo). Bolts are screwed through the metal casting into the rubber mount which then raises the slab.
Services such as generators, chillers, pumps are positioned on top of the floating floor. Having the floor raised on rubber mounts eliminates sound travelling through the building. Floating floors are used when acousitc solutions to vibration are required.Here the slab is still being poured. Shovels are used to move the concrete around and a worker uses a piece of timber to smooth out the concrete.